ThatCoffeeApp is business that understands your business

We thought we had this bright idea of building a platform that works for everyone... We’ve met some amazing people over the last couple of years, genuine, honest and direct. Maybe you want to help us get to another level, maybe you have a business that needs exposure - we want to turn a hobby into something more and help you succeed.

We’re not promising billions, we’re not making claims about some fundamental culture and joy of life, this is about you, your business and our users.


Standard Account

Up to 10 products

Seller account designed for those selling individual items or services and want to start slow.

Participating sellers are always in control of the finances and orders.

Pro Account

For 10 products or more

For those working with us full time and have a range of products. Promoted and featured in our publications and want to offer their products in subscriptions and to international markets.

Master Account

For 50 products or more

Most complex analytics, JIT operations and shipping optimization, aimed for those selling more than 50 products and looking for global presence.

“The beauty of this platform is that it’s going to continue to evolve around you and with you, and your business can evolve with us.”

Book a free consultation to join ThatCoffeeApp